Oscar Scholin Poetry

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Welcome to my poetry page! Here I am hiking in the Claremont Wilderness Park.

I am interested in exploring the intersection of poetry and computer science, in particular what we can achieve through collective imagination with AI.

Unless specified, all poems are written by me, but translations are from ChatGPT and images generated via DALLE.

See also my research page: oscars47.github.io.
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єдність в дождь / Unity in Rain

Я часто про це думаю, Я думаю об этом каждый день, Тримаючись за руки з моїми братами, И целуя моих сестер в щеки, Відчуваючи запах солодкого дощу, И чувствуя мокрую траву под ногами, Тримаючись міцно, И отпуская, За свободу, Которая есть любовь. I think of it often I think it everyday Of holding hands with my brothers And giving my sisters kisses on their cheeks Of smelling sweet rain And feeling the wet grass beneath my feet Of holding tight And letting go For freedom, Which is love Author's note: The italicized lines indicate Russian, and the non-italicized lines indicate Ukranian.

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silicon dreams

The clouds, swooping in their faint and white Obscure the wet sun like a psalm To our huts in the frozen desert aflame Like the semiconductor chips that pump The heart of this mind consumed With this thought

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you were dancing like a rainbow in the rain of my tears in the alley past the old school house where we ran and played in the mudd and the puddles reflecting the faint moonlight scattered now across your face, lying there alone forgotten except in this which I too now forget

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drawing smiley faces in your breath on the mirror the most familiar utterly ineffable from my hands in the glass a butterfly

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Amo Te

the candle now a memory in that dark room asleep or wandering a meadow on the back of a shimmering fish knife in my hands carving Amo Te